Think About It

Isn't it strange how much we rely on others to define ourselves? To make ourselves feel whole. For some, it's as simple as just having a group of folks to spend time with so we don't get bored; while for others, they need people to actually function in this fucked up world.

Who am I kidding? No one is like that. We're all wholly independent individuals who just enjoy being around others for the entertainment value, right? It's not like any of us actually need that attention... Do we? Is that the lie we keep telling ourselves? Maybe I'm just alone in this…

It's weird. Sometimes it takes just one forgotten phone call to completely turn your day around. Sure; we all get busy. Things distract us so what we forget to drop something off. Or forget to pick up the dry cleaning for our spouse. Or forget to call the girlfriend after you get out of work. Or maybe... Just maybe... None of us really cares.

Think about it. When you really, genuinely give a flying shit about something, is there anything on God's green earth that would stop you from doing it? Seriously? I understand the truth hurts [hell, I'm hurting now], but what all of us HAVE to realize is that none of us… no one… really cares as much as we should. And that is why the world hurts as much as it does.

I don't think that me ranting like this is going to make any of you reading change overnight. Unfortunately, I don't think many of you are really going the change at all [it's true. We all have to live with it. Hard as shit the break habit, right?]. You know what I'm hoping for, though? Someone. Anyone. Just… think. Think about what's really important to you. Think about what you truly want… Or who you know and never want to lose… Think about them.

Maybe going to the movies with your friends instead of seeing family you haven't seen in days/months/years is actually really stupid and not worth it. Maybe seeing an old friend you haven't seen in a while just to chat for a few over one cup of coffee honestly won't destroy the flow of your busy, busy day. Maybe making up a bullshit excuse for not being able to see or hang out with someone hurts far more than the truth. And maybe… just maybe… calling someone when you said you were going to… means more to them than the world.

Think about it.